Clare Viner Storyteller
Telling ancient and magical stories of the land for 25 years
"Clare is a dynamic and soulful storyteller" Tracey, Arts Coordinator.
There are stories in the hills, every tree and plant has a tale to tell, each animal, every bird a song to sing. And our rivers wind and flow with nearly forgotten mystery.
My passion is the telling of these tales. Stories can help us to remember. To dream a new future, to imagine a natural world that is humming and buzzing, vibrant, clean and alive again. We have to imagine it first, then trust the old magic...that dreams begin the process of lived reality.
Performances Workshops and Storywalks
Creating new Tales from old.
Taking them outside
Anyone can tell a Story.
I create workshops and events to take you into the experience of receiving tales on a deeper level and telling your own stories.
Please see other pages on this site for more info.